If the image is less to the side. Please click the image, zoom in and will be on a new tab.
Okay, I will teach you how to make us learn a lot of money just when the play red alert 2. One message from me, a major study of the play. Simply navigate to our discussion on how to pitch the game was this cool.
Step 1
Open the program "Fuckedsearch.exe" we can use Cheat Engine or anything. But my computer recently installed in the back. So I lost all the files. Therefore we use "Fuckedsearch.exe". Program "Fuckedsearch.exe" you can download here.
Step 2
Open the Game !! Set in advance where you will play right. Countries in which akan attack I mean. and Start Game. I forget, before you set the first credit. Set with 5000.
Step 3
Loading walk when press Ctrl + Alt + Tab. Remember! "Before the loading is finished or will soon start a game.
Step 4
To Fuckedsearch.
The first set of the program first. How, go View> Options and take the picture.
Then click Open Process and search any posts "game.exe". Then click Open.
Cheat Red Alert 2
Come forward with the blog belong to me
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