The Shareholders

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Does it actually share? To learn more, we use parables. If you ever think to open a store, what can be done to have it? When you have capital, they can rent the building and purchase of goods for sale, but there are risks that have not visited many buyers because it is still new. Alternatively, we could buy a shop that has been established and known enough people. If so, then the money you should pay to the old shop owner is usually worth the price (if the building is owned stores) and goods sold therein. In other words, you have to buy store ownership, in which you buy is the capital.

Benefits of Buying Stocks :

-> If the company profits, then you get the benefit of the so-called dividend. Take an example, if the shares of a dividend you receive USD 1 per sheet shares its, 5000 with the shares you own, the total dividend you get is Rp 5,000. The amount of dividend vary between one company with other companies.

-> It's possible stock value increases. Eg we return you to buy shares at USD 10. Well, then when more and more who want to buy the company stock, then stock prices may have increased so say USD 15 per sheet. When sold, it means that you benefit as much as 50 percent. Benefits such as this is called capital gain.

Of course, investment in the form of shares are also at risk. That is, the decline in stock prices that you have. For example, just down from USD 100 a USD 60 per shares. When you sell, you will be loss of USD 40 per share it. Losses like this always called capital loss.

In practice, each day there are a lot of people sell or buy shares. Regulations require that, the sale and purchase of shares must be made in a special place called the stock. Stock exchanges are called stocks, or in Indonesia, better known by the name of securities exchange. What is called the exchange effect? This is because in exchange we not only sell or buy shares, but also securities other than shares. In Indonesia, the Stock Exchange is concentrated in Jakarta, and is located in a building called Building BEJ (Jakarta Stock Exchange). Those who share this sale sale called investors (capitalist). Whether investors who want to buy or sell shares need to come directly to the Stock Exchange to be able to deal? No. In practice, investors simply use the services of brokers called the broker. BEJ have in many companies that operate service broker. They became members BEJ.

Benefits of using the service broker is no matter where you are in Indonesia, you can still call the company and give your Broker to sell or buy order, so that your broker is doing the sale and purchase transaction for you. Your own as investors do not need to know from you where investors buy shares you. Similarly to the investor where you sell your shares. This is because investors have to use the service broker, and inter-broker who meet each other.

Please note that by buying stocks, this means you are buying ownership of a company. The difference with having your own company, in this case you buy that business ownership is already running. You need not trouble to establish a new business in the form of PT, for example, because you buy a PT is run and operated. I know of where the company is already running a blessing or loss? The answer: from the Financial Report is published regularly by the company. And financial reports are to be examined by an independent accountant permission.

Shares in BEJ in separate is based on grade-level risk. From stock-share loss that the risk is small but the benefits are also small, share-share until the risk of loss is great but there are also great possibilities. Once again, the risk of stock investment is the same with the fact that you establish a new business, that you have the possibility to benefit, the same amount of experience with the potential loss. Show no pity so do not: if you do not know what risks you face, you surely will not dare to invest in shares. The purpose of this paper is to identify your investment stock, so with so you can make the stock as an alternative investment.
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