10 Reasons why you failed Band

Come forward with the blog belong to me

By : Jeffrey A. Macak (President, JMI Publications, USA)

1. They have no purpose
If you do not have the goal in developing a career, how you can detect an improvement? Music business is a business that is hard, especially if you do not have a clear guide. Most of the recording labels, music publishers, managers, producers, lawyers and even entertainment booking agency will not want to collaborate with artists who have not clearly determine the direction and goals for the band. They prefer to work with musicians who have clear goals and businesslike.

2. They do not have the device to the success
Contrary to the beliefs of the people, there is actually a "process" to become professional musicians and get a recording contract. The music industry filled with rumor, myth and misinformasi that make success difficult to carve on it. With the music industry to understand how this work can become a very valuable asset. Part of the "process" that in this purpose including the use of "device" which has become standard in the scope of the music industry! Following list includes some of the device mandatory that you need to pursue a serious career as a professional musician.

• A demo tapes / CD containing the song 3-5 BEST band you. (Quality is clear!)
• artist biography. (Information about the important artists, including who they are, what they do, what they are doing, and so forth.)
• track list (song list). (The title song is brought by the artist, or cover your own)
• Lyrics-song lyrics. (material lyrics lyrics-songs belong to the artist who
published in their demo.
• Photo of the artist.
• "Write-ups." (Many interesting stories or reviews written about the print media artists, can also on the coverage of them on the radio and television.
One of the most important factor of your success is to build, maintain and maximize the use of mailing lists. This consists of the names and contact information of the fans, media contacts, the music industry and anyone who has the same interests (business and otherwise) with you (the artist). A mailing list can be a valuable asset for any artist who, when they utilize the most.
Utilization of the media to support the progress of your career is very important nature. This includes among other publications the music industry, magazines, newspapers, radio, television and internet. A band or artist who is very talented and are doing a campaign for sustainable progress in his career have a great opportunity to get "attention" for contracted recording label. Have you ever heard people say, "I'm not and I never see the band they never know." Nah, you must be at variance with earlier comments! Business is to always "appear" as much as possible in front of many people. Want to know the feeling meet industry and public action with broad band then you are guaranteed your band will appear in many places! Take advantage of the use of media advertising or advertising for free, it releases the press, write-ups and reviews, and if can try to appear on radio and television as well.

3. They do not have someone to guide career
One of the personal responsibility of managers is to help artists make decisions related to their music career. The problem is, most artists do not usually have much time to find a good management. Usually this happens because most managers and experienced professionals, busy themselves with their clients each. Because of this reason, many musicians who then ask their friends to become a manager. Which often occurs later, the friend earlier that it tends to be a booking agent than a manager's personal band. (More easy to find on stage than have to walk a career music artist!) Because the "friends" is very common with the music business, they sometimes fall even easier than the often difficult. If this is the manager you are looking for, then look for a manager! If your friends want to help, they can sell tickets at a concert or learning to operate lighting! Do not currently be staked band career in the hands of someone you did not understand how to work let alone the music business is not at all experienced in the business world this one.

4. They are waiting to be found
If you are "waiting to be found," I have one simple question ...
"What is actually you waiting for?"
It's like saying, "My success is waiting!" Clearly does not make sense! What are the musicians by musicians-this is when they found the wait to actually is: "I have mentok because I really need to know what to do anymore!" There is no need to wait-wait, start to do something, NOW! Demand discovery, never wait for it!

5. They are less dedicated
Many bands that have been are in the concert stage with over 10 years before finally getting a recording contract! That is dedication! That is persistence! Stamina, such as that which can bring the artist / band to the peak of success in the music business. You do not need to appear 10 years before the "miracle" happens, but, if you have the dedication to the love-sorrow and success dispel all obstacles that militate, presumably you have getting close to the "miracle" is.

6. They really do not know what to do
Okay, here is; "3 Secrets to a Great One Professional Musician and Recording Contracts Get!"
• Teaser hold your talents! Exercise, exercise, exercise!
• Bring yourself with knowledge about various music business!

thought that once you understand it all, find out! If you think you will know by itself later. You are right, the case, but this happens when you stumble and fall many times. Far more complicated than you imagine! Really fun-fun just learning how to practice while, but not to learn from the mistakes that occurred many times, dong! This is very time consuming and very painful for yourself of course. Look for the facts and learn this business the right way!
Campaign, campaign, campaign! Perhaps you are the greatest musicians or the most sensational performers who have been on this planet, but if without support in the campaign, who knew?

7. They have more reason why they can not be compared to them!
Many musicians who have not been what many barriers have been installed in their brain. This fact makes them far from success. Do not let lack of talent or PD enter music career that you have be dreamed of long. A healthy ego even needed in the music business. (an ego-maniac do not get a place here!)

8. They have no long term commitment
If you do not honestly see yourself as a musician more than 6 months to a year or two, then you are in a phase through which we musicians for "sure correct" You always hope that disappears as soon as possible! Being a musician is hard work for life, not fun! Musician-a successful musician in the music industry does not simply insert their thumbs foot to check the water situation, some of them directly with their head first, and NOT have to see the back again! Once you have become a musician for life then you will continue to become a musician!

9. They are not serious
If you only treat the music as a hobby, then it will be forever like that! If you do not lead the band and your music to be serious, then no one will want a serious band with you! If your goal is to become a professional musician, you must show you and what do you do in the professional!

10. They are not talented at all
One of the biggest reasons why so difficult to penetrate the music business is a business because this is a complex business. All people have the need to become stars. What makes it more difficult to be penetrated because it appeared more and more musicians born imitation of damage opportunities for musicians-talented musicians! Label-label recording boombard with the demo-demo "waste" that is very far from the music industry standard. Not surprisingly therefore demo-demo is then immediately end the waste basket even though have not opened at all! This means for professional musicians, the person must wait until the A & R labels of the recording is completed at a sort of one-thousand "trash" before finally fully opened and disimak by them.
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