Beautiful Skin Tips and shining with Milk

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To be fair it is not difficult. But it is also not easy. It takes patience and fortitude that can be outside. You do not have to leave the house and entered the home or beauty salon to normal. You can dwell in the house. You need only milk, patience, and perseverance. That is more than enough. After that, feel the difference.
In addition to good health, milk is also good for beauty, especially beauty skin. See Cleopatra. She often milk bath so that skin stays smooth and beautiful. According to Martha Siahaan, a beautician, milk has many benefits for health and beauty body. Just a mask dough milk or milk. Second treatment is reliable and can refine create a bright skin. Health care and beauty skin with milk this can be done at home. Here are some techniques and steps :

-> Milk Mask
You can use milk or yoghurt as a mask. Treatment is effective for the process becomes old early scare and drive away the stain face. How easy it. Enter two tsp yoghurt, half a teaspoon honey, and lemon juice. After the mixed flat, grime to face and let it sink in for 15 minutes. After that, cleaned face with warm water.

-> Sour Cream
You have a problem with a large pore and open? Try sour cream (sour milk). How, take just enough sour cream and grime to face and neck. Fifteen minutes later, wash the face and neck to clean. With regular treatment, pore-pore surely wane and the skin will radiate.

-> Buttermilk
Milk proven effective to reduce skin irritation, relieve red spots (the baby), reduce the allergic reaction on the skin and help heal wounds. If you have sensitive skin or irritation, just grime milk to sweet or sour cream or buttermilk good. Leave to dry himself.

-> Bath With Milk
This many people already known. You can add a cup of milk powder to the IM in the water bath. This is one way to provide nutrition to the skin and add softness to the skin. Cleopatra, people say, do not forget to add fresh camel milk in the water before bathing.

-> Scrubbing With Milk
No one is better for the scrubbing process and exfoliate the skin in addition to poke a little salt in boiling water and add four cups milk fat to IM without it. Wait until the warm water nails. After that, si soaked for 20 minutes and do the scrubbing with a loofah. This is one way the skin cells die and make the body and the skin becomes more white and clean.
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